Thursday, December 20, 2018

December 20, 2018

I am very excited to announce that I was able to have an interview on KOOP Community Radio (91.7 FM) with Caleb Adams, of Bethany 4-H, on the Youth Spin Program.  The program airs from 6-7 PM on Fridays, and it is an excellent program put on by local youths.  It was a very cool experience and I would like to thank Caleb, Youth Spin, and KOOP for the opportunity.  Here are a few photos:

November 7, 2018

Here are some more photos from Brooke 4-H.  I just found these from back in November.  This is the day that we built the chicken coop, and we had some help from a parent volunteer who brought a power drill.  The kids had a lot of fun building it and the chickens seem to enjoy their new home.  

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

December 17, 2018

This was our last day at Blanton Elementary for the school  year and the kids went outside to get some photos.  Some of them got great action/sports shots while others concentrated on getting some great portraits.  Here are the highlights, and see you in 2019!







